Sunday, January 28, 2007

1st Self Portrait Option

If someone looked at this picture they would automatically construct an image of who I was. A girl, maybe with blue eyes since the blonde hair, and whatever else they can think of, just by looking at the back of my head. Its not being stereotypical it’s just how males and females are viewed. But perhaps, I was to wear a baseball cap with my hair tucked in, what would they look at me any different. Maybe or maybe not, but from picture one can see that I took time to do my hair by styling it. This is the normal routine for all girls; they do their hair and makeup because that is what is considered a normal routine in society. On the other hand boys will maybe talk half as long as many girls, maybe styling their hair with a little gel. Well then should girls shave their heads and get short haircuts to save them all that time. Probably no, because you don’t see many girls with their hair shaved off and if you do you notice that all eyes are on her. Therefore, I have learned from this lesson that there are some issues with gender identity present today. It’s not like they affect me because I want to do my hair to look nice, but then there are times when I just don’t feel like it and I just throw it up. Stuff like that doesn’t bother me but I choose to dress up because I feel good about myself when I look nice, but when I am myself with no makeup on at all and my hair is all messy I feel even better.

Sappho Translation

Not just a hero

I see a god
the one who is permitted
to be near you—he

listens with such care and intimacy
to your lips as they softly
speak, the welcoming

laughter that triggers my
heart to race. When I see
you, I stutter

as if I forgot all words;
I’m burning inside and
I am blinded by the flames

seeing nothing, only
listening to the pulse
of my own ears

my whole body,
trembling as I drip
with nervous sweat

I turn a sick pale color
like dry grass during a harsh winter
it’s at these times I feel as I can shake the hand of death.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

I am me

Hey, my name is Nicole Prima. But usually my friends and family call me Nikki or Nik for short. My wiki name is jerseygirl because I love the Jersey Shore and the movie Garden State. I am a freshman and I am majoring in Nursing. I live in Toms River, New Jersey and I really miss being so close to the beach, although mountains are a nice change of scenery. My favorite TV show is Cold Case, because I always wanted to be a forensic scientist and I like to read and watch mysteries. But, I also really like The Hills and Laguna Beach because the drama and people on the shows can sometimes be very entertaining. I like all kinds of foods and I am open to trying everything except if its like snail or something, but I really don't like liver or veal because it just freaks me out. The last thing I read was a Cosmopolitan magazine. I really have never had a bad date, but I think the first ones are kind of terrifying because half the time you are nervous and always trying to think of the right things to say. I have never done an online course, but so far it seems fun. I think gender affects my life in many ways but I don't let it affect the way I feel or think. The website I visit the most is probably because I like to keep in touch with my friends that are at different colleges. It's kind of a good informal way to keep in touch!
Well i wasnt really that good with technology until I started making this wiki and e-portfolio stuff im actually very proud of myself!!!! seemss like alot of fun!!