Thursday, March 22, 2007


The creature I chose to construct was a blend of a bald eagle and a white tiger. I chose a bald eagle to represent the body and strength of my creature because they represent the United States’ freedoms, spirit and pursuit of excellence. In a sense, I can relate this to the women of today. They are very free spirited and are always trying to pursue excellence so they can be treated with equality. Also, bald eagles are very precious because they are in fact becoming extinct. In a way, women are valued to one’s family and the society because they are the primary caregivers. In addition, I can describe myself as being very free spirited and always trying to become better by working harder. The other animal I chose to represent the feet of my creature was a white tiger. I chose to use the paws of the white tiger because their claws are an amazing aspect that make up this animal. The claws of the white tiger symbolize the strong trademark that makes them so agile. The strong morality is also seen in many women today. I believe that I have to be strong and stand up for myself or no one else will. Also, the background may seem unique for such an animal because neither of the white tiger nor the bald eagle would be found near a beach. However, this is where I as being the head of my creature come in. Since I grew up and live near the beach that is what I call home. Therefore, for a creature like this that probably would have trouble surviving in other environments, its home is where the beach is. Magical realism has helped me construct such a free spirited and strong animal that belongs somewhere. Additionally, it has allowed me to make something real out of something extraordinary.

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Tender Buttons

I enjoyed reading Tender Buttons, but I found it hard to comprehend many of the things Stein was trying to explain. I think the text and the way that she worded the descriptions with such vivid adjectives made it very interesting. When writing my poems I tried to take her style into account by trying to develop a deep and convoluted description. In the beginning, I found it hard but once I wrote one I found it easier and enjoyable. I think I succeeded in writing the poems, but may have lacked the deep descriptions that Stein produces. I tried to go outside the box as much as I could by writing down descriptions with twisted meanings. In addition, I think I succeeded in re-writing the poems as I was doing the project. In fact I thought my poems sounded more appealing after I completed the project because they sounded more thorough.

Thursday, March 8, 2007

Self Portrait 3

What I enjoy most about Impressionism is the bright vivid colors that catch my eye. When I look at the paintings I am intrigued with the backgrounds of shades of blue and other soft and bright colors. For my self portrait I was influenced by another Impressionistic painter, Claude Monet. Oeuvres de Claude Monet, was a picture painted of him by him. The picture is just him with a hat on but what make it so appealing are the strokes and colors of the background. It brings out him and helps the viewer focus on the center of the picture. Therefore, in my picture I decided to add the vibrant colors in the background to brighten up the picture and focus more on me. My process was painting the background several colors to bring about the center of the picture itself. When you brighten the background the center object is revealed more and becomes more obvious. I decided not to add and objects to the picture because when I think of impressionism I see a bright background with real objects or people depicted in it.