Sunday, April 1, 2007


I chose this picture that I displayed because it portrays a women's equality in our nation today. It just shows that one day a woman can represent our nation and be as strong any many would have been. I chose to place the saying on the computer because technology is always changing and becoming more important in our world today. Everything you do in everyday life involves technology. From driving you car, to using your cell phone technology is very useful. A women and technology can sort of go hand in hand. A women’s role today is so important and valued in our society. Even though many may think that it is impossible for a woman to run our country they should talk to the ones who are out in Iraq defending it. Women can do anything a man can do and just as well or even better. Therefore, to defy this thought and saying is absurd. No one stops those who make technology so up to date and elaborate so why stop a woman who wants to be president.

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